My life. My Blog.

Sound Bites
I have learned in my life that life is for living, relationships are for loving and when you put it all together the only true constant in life is change which cultivates growth. That's the point of it all to grow. Grow in God, grow one self, grow in love, joy, peace, happiness, relationships - the list could go on and on.
I have been wanting to share my writings for so long now. But fear of being judged or disagreed with has held me back. I had a car accident, on the way from church none the less, right before Christmas 2014 and I truly realized from this experience that in an instant your life can be taken from you. So then the question became, why fear? _______________________________.
Exactly, there is no reasonable answer.
After all we are all created to share ourselves, gifts, lives, hearts, love, etc with one another. What an injustice to humanity to not share what is deep down on the inside of you.
So here is a collection of some of my own writings, sayings, and prayers as well as things that speak to my soul which I have gathered from across the internet.
Hopefully, you may find something that speaks to you as well and helps you along your journey to be an authentic you.
Take a look around - LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT.
Always remember that at our core we are only human.
Love C. 💕💋